Monday, December 7, 2015

Inverted Totalitarianism

While the Nazi totalitarianism strove to give the masses a sense of collective power and strength, Kraft durch Freude (“Strength through joy”), inverted totalitarianism promotes a sense of weakness, of collective futility. While the Nazis wanted a continuously mobilized society that would not only support the regime without complaint and enthusiastically vote “yes” at the periodic plebiscites, inverted totalitarianism wants a politically demobilized society that hardly votes at all. Recall the President’s words immediately after the horrendous events of September 11: “Unite, consume and fly,” he told the anxious citizenry. Having assimilated terrorism to a “war,” he avoided doing what democratic leaders customarily do during wartime: mobilize the citizenry, warn it of impending sacrifices and exhort all citizens to join the “war effort.”

I believe that this paragraph spoke about the generalized concept of totalitarianism and how it was used regarding the Nazi. It also compared the action America took after September 11 and how it's forms and ways were very direct and demanding. Action was made right away in a firm form. These techniques represent control over people. When control and action is taken it may cause individuals to make certain actions even when they do not agree with the decisions that are being made.

I chose this paragraph because the text decided to give examples of totalitarianism. The two example showed different way in which people can take control of other people or how the government can take control of their country. War seem to always start because of peoples actions. I believe that everyone may not agree with their leader, or president but follow the law in order to avoid problems. This is a great concern because groups of people, like I've said in other texts, may influence an individual to do something they may not want to do.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


What is significant in this quotation is not the neglect of the fact that monopolistic and imperfect competition alike are in fact based on assumptions fully as individualistic as perfect competition, but rather the belief that group interests and group behavior are the primary forces in economic as well as in political behavior. The essence of this tradition in political science seems to be that one looks to group interests rather than to individual interests to see the basic forces at work in both the economy and the polity. For Commons and Latham alike, group interests are dominant, individual interests secondary.

I believe this paragraph is talking about politics and the work they do within a group. Working within a group consist of opinions, behavior and certain pressure. Working together brings unity and having group ideas as is believing in one thing. Having the group interest brings dominance to the politics but having one's thought is left as secondary. It seems as if this has been a traditional action that helps the group work together in bringing the economy to a better place.

I chose this paragraph because I can see how the pressure of a group coming to an understanding may bring one's belief and interest down. Sometimes if a group decision is persistent and strong some people may hold back their own personal opinion and agree with the group. When it comes to the political system I do question their decision; will this really bring a positive outcome in any economical decision that is made?

Monday, November 30, 2015


Gerrymandering is easier to get away with in more densely-populated areas. -You'll notice that many of the highly irregular districts are clustered around cities and metro areas. When there are more people in a given area, partisans have more leeway in how to draw their districts.

I believe that this article is talking about the density of certain communities and how it makes Gerrymandering easier to divide the people. When I think of Clustered cities and metro areas I honestly think of New York. Partisans are able to see the populated community and are able to draw their districts in a form where one community can be changed into two or three.

I chose this article because  Legislatures use Gerrymandering and I believe it has a strong Leadership in a state. Changing the Districts especially to have a certain society here or there is a sense of manipulation. Manipulating the amount of votes in community can make a difference in electoral votes, especially New York. They have control of making the majority group of people exactly what they want. One example i can give might be Washington Heights and how it has been divided to the point where the majority of the people are Hispanics. It actually has me thinking if they can control how we are divided within communities then are they able to control the amount of incoming votes in big and small states. 

Inauguration 2009

President Barack Obama's 2009 Inauguration. In this video he speaks about the changes that will be made. It's not going to be a easy fight but if we stick together anything can be done. How we become faithful to each other he didn't single out by saying I but we as the unit have to stick together. Our nation is at one but we are preparing the nation for new H. We live in a time of crisis but these challenges are real and serious but they will be next. We have chosen hope over fear unity of purpose. And this will help to rise as a nation and conquer all things.

I chose this article because I feel that is important to know what is going on in our country. I'm not really into politics but this is very important to me in the time that we are living in. Our country has been through a lot and we have seen many wars. And with that being said I hope that one day we will be free from violence crime hate pestilence makes me feel some type of relief that one day it'll be all over and we can live in peace.President Obama brings out important factors and states that things will change.


The Court held that, in regard to abortions during the first trimester, the decision must be left to the judgment of the pregnant woman’s doctor. In regard to second trimester pregnancies, states may promote their interests in the mother’s health by regulating abortion procedures related to the health of the mother. Regarding third trimester pregnancies, states may promote their interests in the potentiality of human life by regulating or even prohibiting abortion, except when necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother.

I believe that this article is speaking a bout a single woman that wanted to get an abortion. She bought a class action suit challenge in Texas. this article talks about this little food in the laws in the State. This article also brains out so I am right that women have when it comes to their body and what the law says. The importance of what the laws say about abortions and the rights of a woman. The article also talks about who won the suit in the state laws.
I chose this article because I'm also a woman and I also would like to learn the rights that I have when it comes to my body. It is always important to know what we can do. Although we are all created equally there are certain laws that we all have to abide by. I found this article to be very interesting. And I hope that I will be able to educate others on the certain Laws.


In prosecuting the anti-slavery enterprise, we have been asked to spare the church, to spare the ministry; but how, we ask, could such a thing be done? We are met on the threshold of our efforts for the redemption of the slave, by the church and ministry of the country, in battle arrayed against us; and we are compelled to fight or flee. From what quarter, I beg to know, has proceeded a fire so deadly upon our ranks, during the last two years, as from the Northern pulpit? As the champions of oppressors, the chosen men of American theology have appeared-men honored for their so-called piety, and their real learning. The Lords of Buffalo, the Springs of New York, the Lathrops of Auburn, the Coxes and Spencers of Brooklyn, the Gannets and Sharps of Boston, the Deweys of Washington, and other great religious lights of the land have, in utter denial of the authority of Him by whom they professed to be called to the ministry, deliberately taught us, against the example of the Hebrews, and against the remonstrance of the Apostles, that we ought to obey man's law before the law of God.

I think this article is talking about the true meaning of why we celebrate the Fourth of July. How Americans have fought for what they want. The true meaning of people sticking together to fight for what's right. The history of weapons of coming together as a unit. And how God plays an important role on why we believe what we believe.

I chose this paragraph because it is a playful on American said no how and why we celebrate the Fourth of July. Also how we as humans come together it's a stand for what is right. I feel that is important to put God first in all things we do without gotten nothing is possible. Of course sometimes when we have a focus on something like religion, all of the negative things that is going on in our lives seem to become a bit easier to deal with. 

A Lecture on the Anti Slavery Movement 1865

A L E C T U R E O N T H E A N T I - S L A V E R Y M O V E M E N T 1 8 5 5 ––––––––––––––––––––– Frederick Douglass ––––––––––––––––––––– Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) was born a slave in Maryland and escaped bondage at age 20. As a free black in the North, he became an active abolitionist, traveling the region and using his outstanding skills as a speaker and writer to rally support for the anti-slavery cause. Douglass delivered this address to the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society in 1855. In the mid- 1800s, many middle-class Northern women worked to end slavery by joining moral reform societies, where they established networks of women and learned political organizing skills. T H I N K T H R O U G H H I S T O R Y : Forming and Supporting Opinions How might a member of the Garrisonians, the anti-Garrisonians, or the Free Soil Party have countered Douglass’s criticisms of their tactics and organizations? 

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not superstitious, but I recognize an arm stronger than any human arm, and an intelligence higher than any human intelligence, guarding and guiding this Anti-Slavery cause, through all the dangers and perils that beset it, and making even auxiliaries of enemies, and confounding all worldly wisdom for its advancement. Let us trust that arm—let us confide in that intelligence—in conducting this movement; and whether it shall be ours to witness the fulfilment of our hopes, the end of American slavery or not, we shall have the tranquil satisfaction of having faithfully adhered to eternal principles of rectitude, and may lay down life in the triumphant faith, that those principles WILL, ULTIMATELY, PREVAIL. Source: The Anti-Slavery Movement: A Lecture by Frederick Douglass Before the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society by Frederick Douglass (Rochester, NY: Lee, Mann, and Co., 1855), pp. 3–4, 28–40, 44.

I think this article is talking about Frederick Douglass. When he was born and when he died. He was born in a time where many people didn't even know what it was the light. It was a time of slavery. Where many people had to fight to be free and fight for their rights.
I chose this paragraph because I see that time has really changed from when slavery was and important matter in the past. This article and like it's me on how people have have to fight for what they wanted. It was very hard in those days and this article reminds me of a time when the struggle was real and just like today we have to fight for what we want.